If you’ve ever visited Belize, you definitely know why this small country filled with lush natural landscapes, gorgeous offshore islands, and an incredible diversity of wildlife is such an amazing place to visit.

But for those who haven’t yet visited this land nicknamed ” Mother Nature’s Best-kept Secret,” we’ve prepared a short list of reasons why you should definitely visit Belize this year:

It’s a Tropical Paradise

belize family vacations

Plenty of countries enjoy year-round balmy temperatures, but Belize is truly special. Over half the country is a protected national park or animal sanctuary, and Belize has the lowest population density of any nation in Central America. Add in the fact that Belize has thousands of square miles of lush rainforest, more than 500 different bird species, the second-largest barrier reef in the world, and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and it’s pretty clear that Belize can fairly be called a tropical paradise.

Clean Air in the Great Outdoors

With abundant sunshine and beautifully blue skies, Belize is a land where everyone enjoys the great outdoors. Although the locals take it for granted, the low population density means that there are few cars, no traffic jams, and plenty of wide open green spaces to appreciate.

In Belize, you won’t smell hot concrete or the exhaust fumes from cars but instead the natural perfume from hundreds of different flowering plants and lots of clean air produced by vast rainforests and dense jungle.

Plenty to Do and See

Belize All Inclusive

With so much great nature to explore, it’s no surprise that Belize is a popular adventure destination. Whether you want to play castaway for a day on a remote island or zip line through the jungle on the mainland, there’s always something to do and see in Belize.

But beyond its spectacularly beautiful nature, Belize is also home to more ancient Maya sites and artifacts than anywhere else. You can climb to the top of enormous pyramids or plumb the depths of sacrificial caves where people were sacrificed by ancient priests in order to appease their gods.

 Black Orchid Resort

visit belize this summer

Black Orchid Resort is located in the charming village of Burrell Boom just a short, 30-minute drive from the international airport. Nestled on the banks of the Old Belize River, the Black Orchid Resort offers guests comfortable accommodations, a freshwater swimming pool, and a gourmet restaurant serving up both local and international cuisine.

Simply put, the Black Orchid Resort is the best Belize resort to stay in the county.